Saturday, December 20, 2008

One Egg Anglaise

35 years ago our quarter acre property on the outskirts of Sydney was a poultry farm. Or so they told me AFTER I dug up a pile of finger-length bones as a ten year old and flung them around the backyard screaming. I have a confession to make. I'm a scrooge when it comes to buying eggs. It's not a conscious decision to be heart healthy and all that. Working for a pitance, it's rather more a case of "HMM! Instead of using five eggs perhaps I could get by with only using one. The two dollars I'll save can go towards my Better World Books wishlist..". Obviously it's not always possible to skimp on the fundamentals but I try hard to and you can too!

One Egg Anglaise
320 milk
1/2 vanilla pod
1 egg
55 g castor sugar
6 g potato starch
1 g salt
20 g unsalted butter
Bring milk and vanilla to a simmer in a small pot.
Remove from heat and allow to infuse for half an hour.
Cream egg, sugar, starch and salt in a bowl.
Temper egg mix with milk and return to heat.
Stir continuously with a spatula over low heat until it reaches 84ºC.
Remove from heat and stir to cool.
Add butter when it cools below 55ºC (higher temp will change butters setting properties).
Stir until combined and refrigerate.
Stir every half hour until cold to prevent skin from forming.


  1. That's an interesting recipe! Why the potato starch and butter?

  2. thanks for the macaron tips. i tried making sage macarons with small leaves placed on top and they turned out nicely :P i don't think ricotta filling was the best idea though mwuahaha! oh god! what have i done!
    it's like a pastry cream recipe so the potato starch holds it all together and the butter makes it wonderfully creamy
